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Action - Enum in de.tubs.pandemieinc
Possible Actions mapped in an enum.
ActionHelper - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc
ActionHelper class to supply functions for the implementations.
ActionHelper() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.ActionHelper
actionMapping - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.BogoImplementation
ActionPrinter - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc
Helper for the Implementation to return the actions as JSON String.
ActionPrinter() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.ActionPrinter
AirportClosedEvent - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.events
AirportClosedEvent - City event
AirportClosedEvent() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.AirportClosedEvent
AirportClosedEvent(int, int) - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.AirportClosedEvent
AntiVaccinationismEvent - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.events
AntiVaccinationismEvent - City event
AntiVaccinationismEvent() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.AntiVaccinationismEvent
AntiVaccinationismEvent(int) - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.AntiVaccinationismEvent
applyHygienicMeasures(City) - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.ActionPrinter
Format the action applyHygienicMeasures as JSON action object.
applyHygienicMeasures(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.BogoImplementation
APPLYHYGIENICMEASURES - de.tubs.pandemieinc.Action
awareness - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.City


baseCost - Variable in enum de.tubs.pandemieinc.Action
BaseEvent - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.events
This is the base class for all given events.
BaseEvent(String) - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.BaseEvent
BioTerrorismEvent - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.events
BioTerrorismEvent - Global event
BioTerrorismEvent() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.BioTerrorismEvent
BioTerrorismEvent(Pathogen, int) - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.BioTerrorismEvent
bogoImplementation(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.PandemieIncAPIController
BogoImplementation, a simple implementation that randomly decides a "possible" action.
BogoImplementation - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations
BogoImplementation() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.BogoImplementation


callElections(City) - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.ActionPrinter
Format the action callElections as JSON action object.
callElections(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.BogoImplementation
CALLELECTIONS - de.tubs.pandemieinc.Action
CampaignLaunchedEvent - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.events
CampaignLaunchedEvent - City event
CampaignLaunchedEvent() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.CampaignLaunchedEvent
CampaignLaunchedEvent(int) - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.CampaignLaunchedEvent
cities - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.EventFactory
cities - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.Round
city - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.ConnectionClosedEvent
City - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc
The city class to represent the city information from the given "JSON round".
City() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.City
City(String) - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.City
closeAirport(City, int) - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.ActionPrinter
Format the action closeAirport as JSON action object.
closeAirport(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.BogoImplementation
CLOSEAIRPORT - de.tubs.pandemieinc.Action
closeConnection(City, City, int) - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.ActionPrinter
Format the action closeConnection as JSON action object.
closeConnection(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.BogoImplementation
CLOSECONNECTION - de.tubs.pandemieinc.Action
compareTo(Pathogen) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.Pathogen
Select the order of the pathogens by the attributes.
ConnectionClosedEvent - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.events
ConnectionClosedEvent - A city event This event indicates that the connection from the given city to the destination city can not be used as long this event exists.
ConnectionClosedEvent() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.ConnectionClosedEvent
connections - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.City


de.tubs.pandemieinc - package de.tubs.pandemieinc
de.tubs.pandemieinc.events - package de.tubs.pandemieinc.events
Provides the event classes for the Round and City object.
de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations - package de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations
Provides the implementations classes for the Round and decorators for the implementations.
deadlyMedImplementation(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.PandemieIncAPIController
MedDeadlyFirstImplementation, an implementation that tries to defeat the deadly pathogen at beginning and then develops medications for the other pathogens.
deadlyVaccImplmentation(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.PandemieIncAPIController
VaccDeadlyFirstImplementation, an implementation that tries to defeat the deadly pathogen at beginning and then develops vaccines for the other pathogens.
dependentActions() - Static method in enum de.tubs.pandemieinc.Action
Get all actions, that have a event dependency.
deployMedication(Pathogen, City) - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.ActionPrinter
Format the action deployMedication as JSON action object.
deployMedication(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.BogoImplementation
DEPLOYMEDICATION - de.tubs.pandemieinc.Action
deployVaccine(Pathogen, City) - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.ActionPrinter
Format the action deployVaccine as JSON action object.
deployVaccine(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.BogoImplementation
DEPLOYVACCINE - de.tubs.pandemieinc.Action
developMedication(Pathogen) - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.ActionPrinter
Format the action developMedication as JSON action object.
developMedication(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.BogoImplementation
DEVELOPMEDICATION - de.tubs.pandemieinc.Action
developVaccine(Pathogen) - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.ActionPrinter
Format the action developVaccine as JSON action object.
developVaccine(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.BogoImplementation
DEVELOPVACCINE - de.tubs.pandemieinc.Action
duration - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.Pathogen


EconomicCrisisEvent - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.events
EconomicCrisisEvent - Global event
EconomicCrisisEvent() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.EconomicCrisisEvent
EconomicCrisisEvent(int) - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.EconomicCrisisEvent
economy - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.City
ElectionsCalledEvent - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.events
ElectionsCalledEvent - City event
ElectionsCalledEvent() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.ElectionsCalledEvent
ElectionsCalledEvent(int) - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.ElectionsCalledEvent
endRound() - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.ActionPrinter
Format the action endRound as JSON action object.
ENDROUND - de.tubs.pandemieinc.Action
endRoundImplementation(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.PandemieIncAPIController
EndRoundImplementation, an implementation that only returns "endRound" for learning and documentation purposes.
EndRoundImplementation - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations
EndRoundImplementation() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.EndRoundImplementation
error - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.Round
EventFactory - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc
A Factory class to create the event classes from the JSON (JsonNode).
EventFactory(Map<String, City>) - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.EventFactory
Constructor for EventFactory with given city map.
eventName - Static variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.AirportClosedEvent
eventName - Static variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.AntiVaccinationismEvent
eventName - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.BaseEvent
eventName - Static variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.BioTerrorismEvent
eventName - Static variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.CampaignLaunchedEvent
eventName - Static variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.ConnectionClosedEvent
eventName - Static variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.EconomicCrisisEvent
eventName - Static variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.ElectionsCalledEvent
eventName - Static variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.HygienicMeasuresAppliedEvent
eventName - Static variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.InfluenceExertedEvent
eventName - Static variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.LargeScalePanicEvent
eventName - Static variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.MedicationAvailableEvent
eventName - Static variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.MedicationDeployedEvent
eventName - Static variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.MedicationInDevelopmentEvent
eventName - Static variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.OtherEvent
eventName - Static variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.OutbreakEvent
eventName - Static variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.PathogenEncounteredEvent
eventName - Static variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.QuarantineEvent
eventName - Static variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.UprisingEvent
eventName - Static variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.VaccineAvailableEvent
eventName - Static variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.VaccineDeployedEvent
eventName - Static variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.VaccineInDevelopmentEvent
events - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.City
events - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.Round
exertInfluence(City) - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.ActionPrinter
Format the action exertInfluence as JSON action object.
exertInfluence(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.BogoImplementation
EXERTINFLUENCE - de.tubs.pandemieinc.Action


fastMedImplementation(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.PandemieIncAPIController
MedFastFirstImplementation, an implementation that tries to defeat the fastest pathogen at beginning and then develops medications for the other pathogens.
fastVaccImplementation(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.PandemieIncAPIController
VaccFastFirstImplementation, an implementation that tries to defeat the fastest pathogen at beginning and then develops vaccines for the other pathogens.
fields - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.OtherEvent
FileLoggerDecorator - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations
FileLoggerDecorator(PandemieImpl) - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.FileLoggerDecorator
FileLoggerDecorator(Supplier<PandemieImpl>) - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.FileLoggerDecorator
findCity(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.BogoImplementation
findCity(Round, String) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.BogoImplementation
findDeadlyPathogen(Iterable<Pathogen>) - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.ActionHelper
Find the deadliest pathogen from the given pathogens.
findFastlyPathogen(Iterable<Pathogen>) - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.ActionHelper
Find the fastes pathogen from the given pathogens.
findHighestPathogenRound(Iterable<City>, Pathogen) - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.ActionHelper
Find the highest amount of rounds that a pathogen has in the given city collection.
findHighestPathogenRound(Iterable<City>, Pathogen, BiPredicate<City, Pathogen>) - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.ActionHelper
Find the highest amount of rounds that a pathogen has in the given city collection.
findSlowlyPathogen(Iterable<Pathogen>) - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.ActionHelper
Find the slowest pathogen from the given pathogens.
fromJsonNode(JsonNode) - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.Pathogen
Parse a Pathogen from the given JsonNode.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum de.tubs.pandemieinc.Strength
Parse the Strength from the given String.


getCitiesWithGivenOutbreakRound(int, Iterable<City>) - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.ActionHelper
Find the cities, where the round of the OutbreakEvent is the same as the given round.
getCitiesWithOnePathogen(Round) - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.ActionHelper
Get the cities with only one pathogen.
getConnectionsForJson() - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.City
Return the connections to the other cities as String array for the city serialization.
getPossibleActions(Round) - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.ActionHelper
Get all possible actions from the given round.
getStartPathogens(Round) - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.ActionHelper
government - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.City


HIGH - de.tubs.pandemieinc.Strength
hygiene - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.City
HygienicMeasuresAppliedEvent - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.events
HygienicMeasuresAppliedEvent - A city event This event indicates that the action "applyHygienicMeasures" was used on the given city.
HygienicMeasuresAppliedEvent() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.HygienicMeasuresAppliedEvent
HygienicMeasuresAppliedEvent(int) - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.HygienicMeasuresAppliedEvent


ImplementationDecorator - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations
ImplementationDecorator(PandemieImpl) - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.ImplementationDecorator
ImplementationDecorator(Supplier<PandemieImpl>) - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.ImplementationDecorator
InDevelopmentEvent - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.events
This is the abstract/base class for "indevelopment" events.
InDevelopmentEvent(String) - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.InDevelopmentEvent
index() - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.PandemieIncFrontendController
Index page for accidental access through the web. ;-)
infectivity - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.Pathogen
InfluenceExertedEvent - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.events
InfluenceExertedEvent - An city event This event indicates that the action "exertInfluence" was used on the given city.
InfluenceExertedEvent() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.InfluenceExertedEvent
InfluenceExertedEvent(int) - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.InfluenceExertedEvent
isCityInfectedWithPathogen(City, Pathogen) - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.ActionHelper
Check, if the given city has the pathogen (infected).
isMedicationAvailable(Round, Pathogen) - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.ActionHelper
Check, if a medication for the given pathogen is available.
isMedicationDeployed(City, Pathogen) - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.ActionHelper
Check, if a medication for the given pathogen is deployed in the city.
isMedicationInDevelopment(Round, Pathogen) - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.ActionHelper
Check, if a medication for the given pathogen is in development.
isVaccineAvailable(Round, Pathogen) - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.ActionHelper
Check, if a vaccine for the given pathogen is available.
isVaccineDeployed(City, Pathogen) - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.ActionHelper
Check, if a vaccine for the given pathogen is deployed in the city.
isVaccineInDevelopment(Round, Pathogen) - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.ActionHelper
Check, if a vaccine for the given pathogen is in development.


LargeScalePanicEvent - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.events
LargeScalePanicEvent() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.LargeScalePanicEvent
LargeScalePanicEvent(int) - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.LargeScalePanicEvent
latitude - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.City
launchCampaign(City) - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.ActionPrinter
Format the action launchCampaign as JSON action object.
launchCampaign(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.BogoImplementation
LAUNCHCAMPAIGN - de.tubs.pandemieinc.Action
lethality - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.Pathogen
level - Variable in enum de.tubs.pandemieinc.Strength
longitude - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.City
LOW - de.tubs.pandemieinc.Strength


main(String[]) - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.PandemieIncApplication
MedDeadlyFirstImplementation - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations
MedDeadlyFirstImplementation() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.MedDeadlyFirstImplementation
MedFastFirstImplementation - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations
MedFastFirstImplementation() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.MedFastFirstImplementation
MedicationAvailableEvent - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.events
MedicationAvailableEvent - An global event This event indicates that the medication for the given pathogen is available to use for the cities.
MedicationAvailableEvent() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.MedicationAvailableEvent
MedicationAvailableEvent(Pathogen, int) - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.MedicationAvailableEvent
MedicationDeployedEvent - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.events
MedicationDeployedEvent - An city event This event indicates that the medication for the given pathogen was deployed on the given city.
MedicationDeployedEvent() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.MedicationDeployedEvent
MedicationDeployedEvent(Pathogen, int) - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.MedicationDeployedEvent
MedicationInDevelopmentEvent - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.events
MedicationInDevelopmentEvent - An global event This event indicates that the medication for the given pathogen is indevelopment.
MedicationInDevelopmentEvent() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.MedicationInDevelopmentEvent
MedicationInDevelopmentEvent(int, int, Pathogen) - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.MedicationInDevelopmentEvent
MedSlowFirstImplementation - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations
MedSlowFirstImplementation() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.MedSlowFirstImplementation
MIDDLE - de.tubs.pandemieinc.Strength
mobility - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.Pathogen


name - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.City
name - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.Pathogen
nonDependentActions() - Static method in enum de.tubs.pandemieinc.Action
Get all actions, that does not have a dependency to an event.


OtherEvent - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.events
This is a wrapper class to catch an unknown event type for the round.
OtherEvent(Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.OtherEvent
OutbreakEvent - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.events
OutbreakEvent - A city event This event indicates that a Pathogen has been "found" in the given city.
OutbreakEvent(Pathogen, double, int) - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.OutbreakEvent
outcome - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.Round


PandemieImpl - Interface in de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations
PandemieIncAPIController - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc
Controller class to map our implementations to specific URL endpoints.
PandemieIncAPIController() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.PandemieIncAPIController
PandemieIncApplication - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc
Application class for Spring Boot to start Spring for our backend application.
PandemieIncApplication() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.PandemieIncApplication
PandemieIncFrontendController - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc
Controller class to to map Fronend/Webbrowser content.
PandemieIncFrontendController() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.PandemieIncFrontendController
parseConnectionClosedEvent(JsonNode) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.EventFactory
Parse a ConnectionClosedEvent object from a given JsonNode.
parseFromJsonNode(JsonNode) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.EventFactory
Parse the event from a JsonNode object.
parseInDevelopmentEvent(JsonNode, Supplier<InDevelopmentEvent>) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.EventFactory
Parse a InDevelopmentEvent object from a given JsonNode.
parseOtherEvent(JsonNode) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.EventFactory
Parse an OtherEvent object from a given JsonNode.
parseOutbreakEvent(JsonNode) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.EventFactory
Parse a OutbreakEvent object from a given JsonNode.
parsePathogenEvent(JsonNode, String, Supplier<PathogenEvent>) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.EventFactory
Parse a PathogenEvent object from a given JsonNode.
parserMapping - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.EventFactory
parseSimpleEvent(JsonNode, String, Supplier<SimpleEvent>) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.EventFactory
Parse an SimpleEvent object from a given JsonNode.
parseTimedEvent(JsonNode, Supplier<TimedEvent>) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.EventFactory
Parse a TimedEvent object from a given JsonNode.
parseUprisingEvent(JsonNode) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.EventFactory
Parse a UprisingEvent object from a given JsonNode.
participants - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.UprisingEvent
path - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.FileLoggerDecorator
pathogen - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.InDevelopmentEvent
pathogen - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.OutbreakEvent
pathogen - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.PathogenEvent
Pathogen - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc
Pathogen class to represent a Pathogen from the given "JSON round".
PathogenEncounteredEvent - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.events
PathogenEncounteredEvent - A global event This event indicates that a Pathogen has been encountered in some cities.
PathogenEncounteredEvent() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.PathogenEncounteredEvent
PathogenEncounteredEvent(int, Pathogen) - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.PathogenEncounteredEvent
PathogenEvent - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.events
Base class for events with Pathogen.
PathogenEvent(String) - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.PathogenEvent
pathogens - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.EventFactory
pathogens - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.Round
pathogensNotInQuarantine(Round) - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.ActionHelper
Get all pathogens that are not in quarantine.
pathogensToNetwork(List<Pathogen>) - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.Pathogen
Parse the first round pathogens to the specified input layer for our neural networks.
points - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.Round
population - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.City
prevalence - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.OutbreakEvent
putUnderQuarantine(City, int) - Static method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.ActionPrinter
Format the action putUnderQuarantine as JSON action object.
putUnderQuarantine(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.BogoImplementation
PUTUNDERQUARANTINE - de.tubs.pandemieinc.Action


QuarantineEvent - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.events
QuarantineEvent - A city event This event indicates that the Pathogens in this city can not infect other cities as long this event exists.
QuarantineEvent() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.QuarantineEvent
QuarantineEvent(int, int) - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.QuarantineEvent


representation - Variable in enum de.tubs.pandemieinc.Strength
round - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.BioTerrorismEvent
round - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.CampaignLaunchedEvent
round - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.ElectionsCalledEvent
round - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.HygienicMeasuresAppliedEvent
round - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.InfluenceExertedEvent
round - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.MedicationDeployedEvent
round - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.PathogenEncounteredEvent
round - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.VaccineDeployedEvent
round - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.MedFastFirstImplementation
round - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.Round
Round - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc
Pathogen class to represent the "JSON round" structure.
Round() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.Round
roundActionFilePattern - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.FileLoggerDecorator
roundCost - Variable in enum de.tubs.pandemieinc.Action
roundFilePattern - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.FileLoggerDecorator


selectAction(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.BogoImplementation
selectAction(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.EndRoundImplementation
selectAction(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.FileLoggerDecorator
selectAction(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.ImplementationDecorator
selectAction(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.MedDeadlyFirstImplementation
selectAction(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.MedFastFirstImplementation
selectAction(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.MedSlowFirstImplementation
selectAction(Round) - Method in interface de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.PandemieImpl
selectAction(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.TriforceKIImplementation
selectAction(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.TriforceKIImplementation2
selectAction(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.VaccDeadlyFirstImplementation
selectAction(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.VaccFastFirstImplementation
selectAction(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.VaccSlowFirstImplementation
setPathogen(Pathogen) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.InDevelopmentEvent
setPathogen(Pathogen) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.PathogenEvent
setRound(int) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.AntiVaccinationismEvent
setRound(int) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.BioTerrorismEvent
setRound(int) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.CampaignLaunchedEvent
setRound(int) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.EconomicCrisisEvent
setRound(int) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.ElectionsCalledEvent
setRound(int) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.HygienicMeasuresAppliedEvent
setRound(int) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.InfluenceExertedEvent
setRound(int) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.LargeScalePanicEvent
setRound(int) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.MedicationAvailableEvent
setRound(int) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.MedicationDeployedEvent
setRound(int) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.PathogenEncounteredEvent
setRound(int) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.PathogenEvent
setRound(int) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.SimpleEvent
setRound(int) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.VaccineAvailableEvent
setRound(int) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.VaccineDeployedEvent
setSinceRound(int) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.InDevelopmentEvent
setSinceRound(int) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.TimedEvent
setUntilRound(int) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.InDevelopmentEvent
setUntilRound(int) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.TimedEvent
setupFileLoggin() - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.FileLoggerDecorator
SimpleEvent - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.events
Base class for events with a round integer.
SimpleEvent(String) - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.SimpleEvent
sinceRound - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.AntiVaccinationismEvent
sinceRound - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.ConnectionClosedEvent
sinceRound - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.EconomicCrisisEvent
sinceRound - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.InDevelopmentEvent
sinceRound - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.LargeScalePanicEvent
sinceRound - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.MedicationAvailableEvent
sinceRound - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.OutbreakEvent
sinceRound - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.TimedEvent
sinceRound - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.UprisingEvent
sinceRound - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.VaccineAvailableEvent
slowMedImplementation(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.PandemieIncAPIController
MedSlowFirstImplementation, an implementation that tries to defeat the slowest pathogen at beginning and then develops medications for the other pathogens.
slowVaccImplementation(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.PandemieIncAPIController
VaccSlowFirstImplementation, an implementation that tries to defeat the slowest pathogen at beginning and then develops vaccines for the other pathogens.
Strength - Enum in de.tubs.pandemieinc
Enum to map the "strength" or "power" of a given attribute (City, Pathogen)
strengthToNetwork() - Method in enum de.tubs.pandemieinc.Strength
Parse the Strength to the neural network input value.


TimedEvent - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.events
Base class for timed events (events that have sinceround and untilround attributes)
TimedEvent(String) - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.TimedEvent
toString() - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.Pathogen
Modify toString() method to return the name of the given Pathogen.
toString() - Method in enum de.tubs.pandemieinc.Strength
Print the representation for "toString()".
triforcekiImplementation(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.PandemieIncAPIController
TriforceKIImplementation, an implementation that selects MedDeadlyFirstImplementation, MedFastFirstImplementation or MedSlowFirstImplementation depending on the Pathogens.
TriforceKIImplementation - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations
Kevins trained "selector implementation" network. + Chooses between MedDeadlyFirstImplementation, MedFastFirstImplementation and MedSlowFirstImplementation.
TriforceKIImplementation() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.TriforceKIImplementation
triforcekiImplementation2(Round) - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.PandemieIncAPIController
TriforceKIImplementation2, an implementation that selects MedDeadlyFirstImplementation, MedFastFirstImplementation or MedSlowFirstImplementation depending on the Pathogens.
TriforceKIImplementation2 - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations
Jans trained "selector implementation" network. + Chooses between MedDeadlyFirstImplementation, MedFastFirstImplementation and MedSlowFirstImplementation.
TriforceKIImplementation2() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.TriforceKIImplementation2
type - Variable in enum de.tubs.pandemieinc.Action


untilRound - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.ConnectionClosedEvent
untilRound - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.InDevelopmentEvent
untilRound - Variable in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.TimedEvent
UprisingEvent - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.events
UprisingEvent - City event
UprisingEvent(int, int) - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.UprisingEvent


VaccDeadlyFirstImplementation - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations
VaccDeadlyFirstImplementation() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.VaccDeadlyFirstImplementation
VaccFastFirstImplementation - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations
VaccFastFirstImplementation() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.VaccFastFirstImplementation
VaccineAvailableEvent - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.events
VaccineAvailableEvent - A global event This event indicates that the vaccine for the given Pathogen is available for all cities.
VaccineAvailableEvent() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.VaccineAvailableEvent
VaccineAvailableEvent(Pathogen, int) - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.VaccineAvailableEvent
VaccineDeployedEvent - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.events
VaccineDeployedEvent - A citry event This event indicates that the vaccine for the given Pathogen was deployed on the given city.
VaccineDeployedEvent() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.VaccineDeployedEvent
VaccineDeployedEvent(Pathogen, int) - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.VaccineDeployedEvent
VaccineInDevelopmentEvent - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.events
VaccineInDevelopmentEvent - A global event This event indicates that the vaccine for the given Pathogen is in development.
VaccineInDevelopmentEvent() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.VaccineInDevelopmentEvent
VaccineInDevelopmentEvent(int, int, Pathogen) - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.events.VaccineInDevelopmentEvent
VaccSlowFirstImplementation - Class in de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations
VaccSlowFirstImplementation() - Constructor for class de.tubs.pandemieinc.implementations.VaccSlowFirstImplementation
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.tubs.pandemieinc.Action
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum de.tubs.pandemieinc.Strength
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum de.tubs.pandemieinc.Action
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum de.tubs.pandemieinc.Strength
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VERY_HIGH - de.tubs.pandemieinc.Strength
VERY_LOW - de.tubs.pandemieinc.Strength


worldmap() - Method in class de.tubs.pandemieinc.PandemieIncFrontendController
World map for the game
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