Class ActionHelper

  • public class ActionHelper
    extends Object
    ActionHelper class to supply functions for the implementations.
    • Constructor Detail

      • ActionHelper

        public ActionHelper()
    • Method Detail

      • getPossibleActions

        public static List<Action> getPossibleActions​(Round round)
        Get all possible actions from the given round.
        round - The given round instance
        List of all Actions that are possible with the given round.
      • getCitiesWithOnePathogen

        public static Map<City,​Pathogen> getCitiesWithOnePathogen​(Round round)
        Get the cities with only one pathogen.
        round - The given round instance
        A Map, where key is the city and value is Pathogen and the cities have only one pathogen.
      • findDeadlyPathogen

        public static Pathogen findDeadlyPathogen​(Iterable<Pathogen> pathogens)
        Find the deadliest pathogen from the given pathogens.
        pathogens - A collection of pathogens.
        The pathogen, that is the dangerous from the given collection.
      • findFastlyPathogen

        public static Pathogen findFastlyPathogen​(Iterable<Pathogen> pathogens)
        Find the fastes pathogen from the given pathogens.
        pathogens - A collection of pathogens.
        The pathogen, that is the fastes from the given collection.
      • findSlowlyPathogen

        public static Pathogen findSlowlyPathogen​(Iterable<Pathogen> pathogens)
        Find the slowest pathogen from the given pathogens.
        pathogens - A collection of pathogens.
        The pathogen, that is the slowest from the given collection.
      • pathogensNotInQuarantine

        public static List<Pathogen> pathogensNotInQuarantine​(Round round)
        Get all pathogens that are not in quarantine.
        round - The given round instance
        A list of pathogens, where the pathogens are not "in quarantine".
      • isVaccineInDevelopment

        public static boolean isVaccineInDevelopment​(Round round,
                                                     Pathogen pathogen)
        Check, if a vaccine for the given pathogen is in development.
        round - The given round instance.
        pathogen - The pathogen for the vaccine.
        True, if the vaccine for the given pathogen is in development, otherwise false.
      • isVaccineAvailable

        public static boolean isVaccineAvailable​(Round round,
                                                 Pathogen pathogen)
        Check, if a vaccine for the given pathogen is available.
        round - The given round instance.
        pathogen - The pathogen for the vaccine.
        True, if the vaccine for the given pathogen is available, otherwise false.
      • isVaccineDeployed

        public static boolean isVaccineDeployed​(City city,
                                                Pathogen pathogen)
        Check, if a vaccine for the given pathogen is deployed in the city.
        city - The given city instance.
        pathogen - The pathogen for the vaccine.
        True, if the vaccine for the given pathogen is deployed in the city, otherwise false.
      • isCityInfectedWithPathogen

        public static boolean isCityInfectedWithPathogen​(City city,
                                                         Pathogen pathogen)
        Check, if the given city has the pathogen (infected).
        city - The given city instance.
        pathogen - The given pathogen instance.
        True, if the given city is infected with the given pathogen, otherwise false.
      • isMedicationInDevelopment

        public static boolean isMedicationInDevelopment​(Round round,
                                                        Pathogen pathogen)
        Check, if a medication for the given pathogen is in development.
        round - The given round instance.
        pathogen - The pathogen for the medication.
        True, if the medication for the given pathogen is in development, otherwise false.
      • isMedicationAvailable

        public static boolean isMedicationAvailable​(Round round,
                                                    Pathogen pathogen)
        Check, if a medication for the given pathogen is available.
        round - The given round instance.
        pathogen - The pathogen for the medication.
        True, if the medication for the given pathogen is available, otherwise false.
      • isMedicationDeployed

        public static boolean isMedicationDeployed​(City city,
                                                   Pathogen pathogen)
        Check, if a medication for the given pathogen is deployed in the city.
        city - The given city instance.
        pathogen - The pathogen for the medication.
        True, if the medication for the given pathogen is deployed in the city, otherwise false.
      • findHighestPathogenRound

        public static int findHighestPathogenRound​(Iterable<City> cities,
                                                   Pathogen pathogen)
        Find the highest amount of rounds that a pathogen has in the given city collection.
        cities - A given collection of cities.
        pathogen - The given pathogen.
        The highest round counter that the given pathogen has in one of the cities in the given city collection.
      • findHighestPathogenRound

        public static int findHighestPathogenRound​(Iterable<City> cities,
                                                   Pathogen pathogen,
                                                   BiPredicate<City,​Pathogen> cityPredicate)
        Find the highest amount of rounds that a pathogen has in the given city collection.
        cities - A given collection of cities.
        pathogen - The given pathogen.
        cityPredicate - Filter function to restrict cities (e.g. VaccineEvents, MedicationEvents). The city will be skipped, if the cityPredicate returns true.
        The highest round counter that the given pathogen has in one of the cities and the cityPredicate returned false for that, in the given city collection.
      • getCitiesWithGivenOutbreakRound

        public static List<City> getCitiesWithGivenOutbreakRound​(int round,
                                                                 Iterable<City> cities)
        Find the cities, where the round of the OutbreakEvent is the same as the given round.
        round - The round counter for the pathogen
        cities - A given collection of cities.
        A list of cities, where the round of the OutbreakEvent is the same as the given round.
      • getStartPathogens

        public static List<Pathogen> getStartPathogens​(Round round)